Social Icons

Dil Hun Hun Kare

Film: Rudaali

Uses: S R G P D

Raga : Mohanam

Note: The numbers at the end of the line indicate line numbers. The notes inside {} must be played faster.


Dil, hoon, hoon, kare, ghabraaye
SR, G...R, G....R, G P.......,PD P.....G........................1

ghan, dham, dham, kare, garjaaye
GP, D...P, D...P, D S+......,PD S+.....D................2

ek boond kabhi paani ki
PD S+...S+...S+...D{R+S+}D..................................3

more akhiyon se barsaaye
DS+, S+S+S+S+S+....DP...{RPGPGRS}...............4


teri jhodi, dharoon
S+ S+ S+{R+}G+, R+G+, R+....G+.....R+S+ D......5

sab sukhi paat ho aaye
DS+, S+S+S+S+S+....D....P...................................6

tera chooa, laage
S+ S+ S+{R+}G+, R+G+, R+....G+.....R+S+ D......

meri sukhi daal harjaaye
DS+, S+S+S+S+S+....DP...{RPGPGRS}.............8

Play Pallavi again

Please take a look at the notation

Paragraph 2:

jis, tan ko chooa, toone
SS S{R}G, RG, R....G....R S D-..........................9

us, tan ko chupaavoon
SS, S{R}G, RG, D- G R....................................10

jis, man ko laage, naina
SS, S{R}G, RG, R....G....R S D-.......................11

woh, kisko dikhavoon
SS, S{R}G, RG, D- G R...................................12

Play the following lines to the tune of lines 5 to 8

o mere chand,rama

teri chaandni ang jalaaye

uunchi tori, ataari

main ne pankh liye katvaaye


Song: Dil Hun Hun Kare

Film: Rudaali

Uses: C D E G A

Note: The numbers at the end of the line indicate line numbers. The notes inside {} must be played faster.


Dil, hoon, hoon, kare, ghabraaye
CD, E...D, E....D, E G.......,GA G.....E........................1

ghan, dham, dham, kare, garjaaye
EG A...G, A...G, A C+......,GA C+.....A......................2

ek boond kabhi paani ki
GA C+...C+...C+...A{D+C+}A...................................3

more akhiyon se barsaaye
AC+, C+C+C+C+C+....AG...{DGEGEDC}.............4


teri jhodi, dharoon
C+ C+ C+{D+}E+, D+E+, D+....E+.....D+C+ A......5

sab sukhi paat ho aaye
AC+, C+C+C+C+C+....A....G...................................6

tera chooa, laage
C+ C+ C+{D+}E+, D+E+, D+....E+.....D+C+ A......7

meri sukhi daal harjaaye
AC+, C+C+C+C+C+....AG...{DGEGEDC}...........8

Play Pallavi again

Please take a look at the notation

Paragraph 2:

jis, tan ko chooa, toone
CC C{D}E, DE, D....E....D C A-..........................9

us, tan ko chupaavoon
CC, C{D}E, DE, A- E D....................................10

jis, man ko laage, naina
CC, C{D}E, DE, D....E....D C A-.......................11

woh, kisko dikhavoon
CC, C{D}E, DE, A- E D.....................................12

Play the following lines to the tune of lines 5 to 8

o mere chand,rama

teri chaandni ang jalaaye

uunchi tori, ataari

main n

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